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Free contact information apps Apk

Gt contact recovery
Gt contact recovery
(for rooted devices only! ) Gt contact recovery can restore your deleted contacts from your internal phone database and restore them in the original contact thread witho..
Pakistan sim information
Pakistan sim information
To find out the total number of sims registered against your cnic passport enter your cnic passport and click submit. Verify pakistani sims in few seconds. Check your mo..
Contact backup
Contact backup
Contact backup is an alternative contact manager not intended to replace the contact manager of your device but to complement it. Its functions are: show the phone 39 s ..
Rti - right to information act
Rti - right to information act
The right to information act 2005 is now available in a digitally readable format on your android devices. Know everything you need to know about the right to informatio..
Contact notifier
Contact notifier
2. 2 released feedback needed: email me bug reports feature requests etc. Contact notifier allows you to assign a specific notification led color vibrate pattern and rin..
Mp3 video converter
Mp3 video converter
You can convert video files to audio files (mp3 aac) with various options ( bitrate meta data)1. Supports various types of videos (3gp flv mp4 and so on)2. Supports vari..
6degrees social phone contacts
6degrees social phone contacts
6degrees is faster more intelligent and better connected than your existing phone app. Make it your default by dragging it to the bottom of your home screen.Automatic co..
This app is to serve some people who need an efficient way to collect very basic contact information from a lot of users in a given time span. Their contact information ..
System info for android
System info for android
Asi provides a lot of technical infos: hardware system telephony apps tasks logs manifest reader and more. Widget wont work if you move the app to sdcard (it is an andro..
Dw contacts & phone & dialer
Dw contacts & phone & dialer
Dw contacts phoneis a powerful (must have) extension for your stock dialer contacts and phone management applicationit focuses on business functions. Improve the efficie..
Phone tester (hardware info)
Phone tester (hardware info)
Do you have a new smartphone? Wanna know its capabilities? Wanna compare it with your old phone or with another device? Phone tester is a free app that allows you to ana..
Total connect 2.0
Total connect 2.0
The honeywell total connect remote interactive services app gives you real time control of your honeywell security system from anywhere. You can remotely control your se..
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