
Timeline: play and learn Android Game

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timeline: play and learntimeline: play and learntimeline: play and learntimeline: play and learn
The description of Timeline: play and learn: Was the car invented before or after motorcycles? You will learn the answer to this question and many more playing this game.Each card has an event and an associated date. Try to put them in the right order.Easy to learn hard to master... It gets harder after each card played!Learn in a fun waylearn a lot of things and have fun at the same time. The kids will love it!Simple and amazing gameplayswipe your fingers to the left or right to move the cards. Swipe upward to place the event in the timeline.A lot of eventsdo you know when the wheel was invented? And the toaster? Coffee machine? Statue of liberty? Eiffel tower? So you need to play this game right now! A lot of cards and more coming soon!And... Its free! Happyrainbowgamestwitter happyrainbowg..

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