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Free battle apps Apk

Kamus batak-indonesia
Kamus batak-indonesia
Kamus batak indonesia (batakdict) is a simple dictionary application for bataknese and indonesian language (bataknese indonesian dictionary). Batakdict is free (you do n..
Battery notification & widget
Battery notification & widget
battery widget battery notification battery indicatorin the status bar show the health and temperature of the battery. Displays the remaining time for:talktime audiotim..
Battery left widget
Battery left widget
Features: top status bar icon to show battery left (off by default turn on in settings) status bar notifications showing charge discharge status time left two highly cus..
Touhou battery widget
Touhou battery widget
Usage was changed in the version 2. 0. Please read this description again. This widget supports only japanese android devices and an android emulator. If it doesn 39 t w..
Dorado battery master
Dorado battery master
Battery saver powered by top notch technology this is the number one battery life extending and energy saving application. This free application primarily assists you to..
Bluetooth headset battery
Bluetooth headset battery
Bluetooth headset battery widget is a revolutionary new way to measure how much battery is left on you bluetooth remote device. The battery widget works with all bluetoo..
Greenified - save your battery
Greenified - save your battery
Greenified for android is based off an old web service i use to run that would turn webpages to black and white on the fly. For your computer device screen to show a bri..
Fast battery charger
Fast battery charger
fast battery charger is an ultimate tool which can boost your battery charging speed by 20 40 . This app will automatically activate when you connect your charger and i..
Battery (save & monitor)
Battery (save & monitor)
A beautiful app to help you monitor your battery usage and see how much time you have left. Don 39 t get stuck again with an unexpected low battery! Percentage of batter..
Pink battery
Pink battery
Pink battery widget indicates the battery charge level of your device. Battery is a small sleek and elegant app that will help you follow the current battery percentage ..
Battery widget tiny twin bears
Battery widget tiny twin bears
Teddy bear on the notification bar tells battery power. Please enjoy personalization of your home screen with this live wallpaper widget. You ll find it a tool with full..
Battery snap
Battery snap
fully customized widgets for monitoring and recording remaining life charging times voltage temperature widget can be on lock screen highly advanced dynamic real time g..
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