
Yellow butterfly red rose live Android App

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yellow butterfly red rose liveyellow butterfly red rose liveyellow butterfly red rose liveyellow butterfly red rose live
The description of Yellow butterfly red rose live: Yellow butterfly red rose is a live wallpaper. This live wallpaper auto resize for all devices screen from 240x320 to tablet resolutionalso you can set the speed of the live wallpaper in order to obtain the movement perfectly adapted to your phone model another useful feature is the ability to move the live wallpaper on the sd memory card. In this way you can install on your phone all the live wallpaper that you want. Question answer:i have downloaded and installed it . How do i set it up as a live wallpaper? Go to your home screen press the menu button on your device select wallpaper select live wallpapers search and select for live wallpaper select settings to see the settings or select set wallpaper to activate it. Important:after you have installed and launched the live wallpaper if you want to change the screen resolution: go to your home screen press the menu button on your device select wallpapers select configure ..

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