
Virtual nail salon Android App

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virtual nail salonvirtual nail salonvirtual nail salonvirtual nail salon
The description of Virtual nail salon: Want to design your very own manicure? Well now you can with virtual nail salon by modiface! Virtual nail salon is an exciting app that allows you to try on a variety real life nail polish colors nail patterns and rings on your very own photo! Simply upload a photo or choose a model and instantly paint your nails with gorgeous nail polish colors. Choose from solid sparkly or different pattern nail polishes to create your custom manicure! That s not all. You can even create your own nail patterns stickers by drawing or uploading pictures and patterns of your favorite things. To add a final touch to your photo bedazzle your hands with a variety of rings and jewels ! Once you are done save your manicure to your gallery or share it with your friends. This is the most feature packed and amazing virtual nail salon application ever created! Features virtual manicure pedicuretry on beautiful ringsability to upload your own photo with nail boundary auto detectionability to create your own nail pattern by either painting it or using any photoover 50+ real life nail polish shades ability to share on facebook twitter and by email how to use 1..

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