
Vault - hide photos/app lock Android App

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vault - hide photos/app lockvault - hide photos/app lockvault - hide photos/app lockvault - hide photos/app lock
The description of Vault - hide photos/app lock: welcome to the ultimate privacy app on google play: the vault hide pictures app lock. Never get caught off guard with sensitive material on your phone. Hide and protect your private photos and videos in private gallery lock confidential applications and securely backup your data in the cloud. Share private data among multiple devices. Unlock apps using only your face with built in face recognition mechanism or use fake crash dialog to mimic application error. Take control and keep your private stuff really private with vault. Main features: hide pictures and videos. App lock: you can lock sms contacts e mail gallery market settings calls or any other app of your choice. Private gallery: store your private pictures and videos in vault gallery. You can take a photo directly from the vault import photos from android gallery or simply share any picture or video to vault..

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