
Translate offline spanish free Android App

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The description of Translate offline spanish free: Free offline speech translator dictionary and phrasebook app translate offline voice camera photos and text between english and spanish without internet and when you are abroad! Save on data roaming charges when you travel! Our app features unique offline translation technology often delivering translations that excel both google translate and microsoft translator while using much less storage space (less than 100mb)translate text translate full sentences and entire texts without internet translate instantly as you type offline fully functional offline translator between english and spanish without any internet connection automatically detects input language translate voice speech offline voice speech input for english and spanish offline voice output for english and spanish allows reading individual words by tapping the desired word in the translation translate photos pictures and ocr use your device camera instead of typing take a picture of printed text and translate it in seconds offline! Available for english and spanish use this feature to easily convert photos of printed text into editable text in offline mode translate words dictionary dictionary between english andspanish recognizes any word form and identifies its features (number person gender etc..

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