
The secret of weight Android App

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the secret of weightthe secret of weightthe secret of weightthe secret of weight
The description of The secret of weight: The secret of weight (tsow) is a simple and practical calorie counter based on photos. With this fun and playful application you can either maintain your weight slim down or even gain weight it s all up to you! We all have heard about calories before! Why use this app then? Is it easy to navigate? How do we add up our calories? The secret of weight explains everything! The number of calories you can spend each day. What happens if you go over your budget? How to rectify when you overindulge ... Most importantly the application simplifies calorie counting for you as you can select what you had to eat using food pictures in the app! How does it work? There is a daily calorie budget which you can spend without getting fat. You can spend your money as you wish! You can eat all kinds of food and as long as you stay within your budget you will not gain weight! This is the big secret of weight..

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