
The secret - solo theme Android App

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the secret - solo themethe secret - solo themethe secret - solo themethe secret - solo theme
The description of The secret - solo theme: Hi all i want to introduce you to an amazing way possible simple and boring phone interface to transform into a colorful and unusual. This amazing theme to replace your standard icons on the more interesting as well as a beautiful wallpaper that combine harmoniously with it. If you like the app do not forget to leave your assessment as well as join our official communities to follow all the news as well as the first to receive new themes. Attention :to use this theme you need to install solo launcher. Features : over 80+ beautiful icons that replace standard sets basic and popular applications. Quality wallpapers that are ideal for all icons. Updates on user demand completely free application :1. Set solo launcher. 2. Download this topic and click apply . Question: how to set a wallpaper from the theme? Answer: run the application again click on the flower on the left and you will unlock wallpapers from this application..

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