
Swiss ice hockey live Android App

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swiss ice hockey liveswiss ice hockey liveswiss ice hockey liveswiss ice hockey live
The description of Swiss ice hockey live: The application swiss ice hockey live gives the possibility to follow and receive (via push messages) the results of the ice hockey games in switzerland. Details about the goals assists penalties composition and the player 39 s pictures are available for the nla and the nlb! In case of problem (if you don 39 t receive push messages) please try to unregister and register again. If it does not solves the problem contact me per e mail. The following hockey teams are available:lna: hc ambri piotta cp bern hc bienne hc davos hc fribourg gott ron gen ve servette hc kloten flyers lausanne hc hc lugano rapperswil jona lakers ev zoug zsc lions. Lnb: hc ajoie hc b le gck lions hc la chaux de fonds sc langenthal hc red ice martigny hc olten hc sierre scl tigers hc thurgovie hc vi ge. Also detailed stats of each player are available in a click (on the name). There is also the details (goals penalties ..

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