
Runtastic results workout app Android App

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The description of Runtastic results workout app: transform your body in 12 short weeks using only bodyweight training for home exercise. Results is your ultimate bodyweight workout trainer and strength training app for losing weight building muscle burning fat and boosting endurance. Your customized 12 week bodyweight training plan can be done with no equipment and is tailored to your unique fitness level consider it your home gym. It s like your very own home workout personal trainer. The free app is available in 12 languages and comes with a complete nutrition guide full of valuable tips on eating a healthy diet. Inspiration. Instruction. Transformation. Looking for quick convenient exercises you can do as a home workout without any fancy gym equipment or paying top dollar a personal trainer? Lack motivation to reach your health fitness goals? The results app tackles both of these problems head on! High quality easy to follow hd videos demonstrate proper execution of bodyweight exercises and provide useful tips for building strength improving muscle tone and preventing injuries..

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