
Rest area locator Android App

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rest area locatorrest area locatorrest area locatorrest area locator
The description of Rest area locator: This app show you all available service stops in the us including rest areas welcome centers service plazas or turnouts. With the gps function of your mobile device you can easily browse the map and find the convenient rest area as you driving on the road. This app also show you the available facility in any rest stops such as rest room picnic table pet walking area handicapped facilities rv dump food service vending machine etc. Enjoy your road trip! Manually. Sync method is 4 pattern. Quot android to picasa picasa to android complement and bidirectional . You can choice sync method you want. You can save device google photos space to resize photos. If you resize photos in predetermined size you can use unlimited space in google photos. If you are google+ user the size is 2048 pixel. If you are not google+ user the size is 800 pixel..

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