
Receipts by wave for business Android App

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receipts by wave for businessreceipts by wave for businessreceipts by wave for businessreceipts by wave for business
The description of Receipts by wave for business: Made for freelancers and small businesses for use with wave 39 s free accounting software (required). No more paper clutter in your wallet or purse! Receipts by wave makes it easy to track receipts simplify your small business accounting and make your business audit proof. Just snap a photo of your receipts invoices or bills. Receipts by wave digitizes (ocr) and imports them directly into your free wave account. Never face a wallet purse or shoebox full of receipts again . Your finances are always up to date and correct. Key features: snap photos of your receipts confirm the details and upload it to your accounting seamless integration with the accounting by wave receipt images link with your accounting transactions for easy reference in the future receipts are stored in the cloud view on android or download via the wave web app when needed upload receipts from google drive dropbox and skydrivenote: for security reasons do not take an image of personal identification (such as a passport) or credit cards..

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