
Qwit (quit smoking) Android App

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qwit (quit smoking)qwit (quit smoking)qwit (quit smoking)qwit (quit smoking)
The description of Qwit (quit smoking): You smoke cigarettes rolling tobacco or cigars? Tired of that for multiple reasons (health money self control ...)? You try to stop your addiction to nicotine? You tried everything to quit smoking but your efforts were unsuccessful? Our app motivates you a bit more! Quitting smoking is a challenge but we can do that like if it was a game. Qwit is an effective android application that provides you with the support you need when you quit smoking : detailed statistics to have a better perspective of your addiction. Gt this application adapts you and provides many statistics (money saved days without tobacco no smoked cigarettes life expectancy gained time saved in not smoking number of packs of cigarettes not purchased end of your physical dependence ...). Your health your priority. Gt want to know what are the benefits of your stop smoking? Qwit give you information related to your health as targets to complete..

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haben sie fragen oder anregungen können sie in den kommentaren hinterlassen oder senden sie mir e-mail: vantusmantus
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