
Imquit - quit addiction Android App

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imquit - quit addictionimquit - quit addictionimquit - quit addictionimquit - quit addiction
The description of Imquit - quit addiction: Alcohol smoking pornography... No matter what addiction you are fighting against imquit will give you a powerful weapon. It can trace your behavior and give you a clear overview about your recovery process. You can compare with your history record and share your success with your friends. Quit addiction is not easy but imquit will help you get through it with less pain and more fun. Features: trace more addictions at the same time data backup and synchronization between different devices share recovery process with friends or doctor in a web dashboard compare with last best record with a beautiful gauges give you a clear picture about improvement with professional charts show customized encourage quote after you fail support home screen app widget 100 free without adafter asked lots of people in the rehab industry included this app in best recovery apps of 2015:http: article 32 addiction recovery apps you absolutely must try..

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