
Pain easer -acupressure Android App

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The description of Pain easer -acupressure: Paineaser is a free application that will predict diseases to present expected symptoms and inform acupoints for self healing if just the date and time of birth is herpes through a smart phone anywhere in the world at any time. It also enables you to share your experience with everybody in the world. If you need more specific consultation you can ask questions to experts and get answers from them through the jeejeeme site. Now let 39 s begin convenient and effective health care with pain easer . Pain easer faqhow can future onsets of disease be known? Not only any diseases that are latent now but also any disease that may occur in the subject can be predicted by grafting time medicine that applies the law of the universe that is the law of operation of the heaven the earth the sun and the moon to humans and the four pillars of life calculated through the 360 calendar hiv o oriental medicine..

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