
Pacifica - stress & anxiety Android App

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pacifica - stress & anxietypacifica - stress & anxietypacifica - stress & anxietypacifica - stress & anxiety
The description of Pacifica - stress & anxiety: Stress and anxiety can get in the way of you living your life. Pacifica gives you beautiful tools based on cognitive behavioral therapy relaxation and wellness to address anxiety every day. Stress and anxiety are caused by an ongoing cycle of fear. Fearful thoughts causes physical feelings which cause actions. Your heart starts racing so you think you 39 re in danger so you want to escape. Pacifica attempts to break this cycle using tools that target each of its components via cognitive behavioral therapy. Day by day you 39 ll learn to manage stress and anxiety at your own pace. We re not about quick fixes or false promises. We are about real progress a day at a time. 1 buzzfeed 39 s amazing apps for anyone living with anxiety 1 bustle 39 s apps for dealing with back to school anxietytestimonials this app is not only beautiful and easy to use it 39 s also an incredibly useful tool that has genuinely changed my way of thinking when it comes to anxiety..

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