
Operation sunrise beta sci fi Android Game

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operation sunrise beta sci fioperation sunrise beta sci fioperation sunrise beta sci fioperation sunrise beta sci fi
The description of Operation sunrise beta sci fi: 17.8.2096 4:00pm utc:a day like every other day until it started: one of the biggest disasters ever.Suddenly mysterious objects appeared in the sky. And a few minutes later all stars and the sun disappeared. Actually they didnt disappear they just were not visible any more. The mysterious objects were gravitating and absorbing the light of near stars and so people called them lago (light absorbing and gravitating orb). Without the sunlight plants couldnt grow and there wasnt enough energy . The remaining days of humankind were numbered.Physicist engineers and important scientist founded operation sunrise to solve the problem. They developed a satellite the las (lago annihilating satellite) to destroy the lagos. The las just have to hit the lago and theyll automatically destroy them.You were chosen to fly with a space shuttle near the sun and drive the lass to the lagos..

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