
Oktoberfest girl live wallpaper Android Live Wallpaper

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oktoberfest girl live wallpaperoktoberfest girl live wallpaperoktoberfest girl live wallpaperoktoberfest girl live wallpaper
The description of Oktoberfest girl live wallpaper: Oktoberfest is a 16 day festival celebrating beer held annually in munich bavaria germany running from late september to the first weekend in october. It is one of the most famous events in germany and is the worlds largest fair with more than 6 million people from around the world attending the event every year. To the locals it is not called oktoberfest but die wiesn. The oktoberfest is an important part of bavarian culture having been held since 1810.Visitors to oktoverfest may also enjoy a wide variety of traditional food such as hendl schweinebraten schweinshaxe steckerlfisch w rstl along with brezeln kn del k sesp tzle (cheese noodles) reiberdatschi (potato pancakes) sauerkraut or rotkohl blaukraut (red cabbage) along with such bavarian delicacies as obatzda (a spiced cheese butter spread) and weisswurst (a white sausage). Tags: beer cerveza birra bier cerveja bi re deutsch key words: lwp sd card spitta apps theme jets wall..

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