
Notification lockscreen os 9.3 Android App

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notification lockscreen os 9.3notification lockscreen os 9.3notification lockscreen os 9.3notification lockscreen os 9.3
The description of Notification lockscreen os 9.3: Notification lockscreen is the fastest and bestter lock screen for your notifications and your android phone . Inoty lockscreen will displays rich notifications on your existing lockscreen and show new notificaton of any app you are using it like lock screen notification on phone 6s instant notificationslock screen inotify shows the complete notification and new inoty like os 9. 3 . It never miss important message or notification minimal designbeautiful lockscreen design no effect on your battery ( save battery ) high customizableyou can customize lot of setting ( background max notification lock screen text .... ) . Change alignment size and position of the notifications list on the lock screen. Smart controlsyou can control all notification without unlocking ( control music facebook imessenger ...) . Control how notifications are displayed from each app grouped separated or grouped by a conversation with full conversation text..

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