
My piano assistant Android App

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my piano assistantmy piano assistantmy piano assistantmy piano assistant
The description of My piano assistant: My piano assistant is a reference book of chords (with all inversions) scales and intervals. Given the name of an item and a root the app shows the item formula symbol (for chords and intervals) the sequence of notes and their positions on the piano keyboard. It also allows to listen to a selected item. Features: 40 chords with all inversions 170 scales 30 intervals user defined chords scales and intervals item playback quick search bookmarks clean and simple user interfacenote: my piano assistant is not a virtual piano application and it does not allow to play on the virtual keyboard. If you are looking for such kind of application this one won t be of use to you. If you have any questions bug reports or ideas feel free to contact me via email or the app community on the google+ (http: goo. Gl apmqqe). In case you are interested in getting access to early test versions of the app please follow instructions here: http: goo..

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