
Learn piano chords Android App

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learn piano chordslearn piano chordslearn piano chordslearn piano chords
The description of Learn piano chords: This app teaches you how to play every single piano chord that exists in every inversion. It is suited for any level of experience: beginner intermediate advanced. To use simply select a difficulty and then a root note. You will then be presented with the chords available for that difficulty level. Select the desired chord and even the inversion! (Where available). The highlighted keys show you exactly how to play the chord. They keys can also be pressed for audio feedback so you can make sure you 39 re playing it right! Features: beginner: major minor 7 maj7 min7. Gt intermediate: dim dim7 7b5 7 5 min7b5 6 min6. Gt advanced: 7b9 6add9 9 min9 maj9 add9 11 min11 13 sus2 sus4 aug. Gt studio quality audio feedback for every single chord. Gt turn note name display on or off. Gt easy to use interface responsive and easy to navigate for any user! Gt turn sounds on or off..

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nützlich für you. It ist einfach leicht zu starten zu lernen, warten sie noch? Jetzt beginnen!
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