
Most well travelled peoples in the world Android App

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most well travelled peoples in the world most well travelled peoples in the world most well travelled peoples in the world most well travelled peoples in the world
The description of Most well travelled peoples in the world : Humans have been on the move since the dawn of time. Now more than any time in history it s easy to travel both in our own backyards and halfway across the planet. But not every person is the same and some people like to travel more than others. Who do you think travels more? Indians or colombians? Australians or egyptians? The numbers might surprise you. In this list we group people together by nationality to see who travels most often. A few general trends emerge: people from smaller countries are more likely to travel abroad than citizens of larger countries more affluent countries tend to have populations which travel more frequently and maybe surprisingly people from island countries are not more likely to travel abroad than they are to travel domestically. So where do you think the most well travelled people come from? Do you consider yourself an avid traveler? Find out if your country made the cut in this list of the most well travelled peoples in the world..

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