
Molang loves icecream dodol Android App

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molang loves icecream dodolmolang loves icecream dodolmolang loves icecream dodolmolang loves icecream dodol
The description of Molang loves icecream dodol: apply the theme to transform your background screen icon and launcher widget :d how to apply a theme install dodol launcher (if you haven t yet). Gt http: dodol. Launcher press the home button and set the dodol launcher as the default home launcher by selecting use as default value for this task or always . Open the launcher menu by swiping the home screen upwards select the theme menu them select and apply the theme of your choice. Why dodol launcher is so special cute simple vibrant sophisticated cuddly and warm themes are continuously updated. The default widget offers convenient functions including quick switch and memory cleaner app widget can be used easily with the dock and alert shortcut list. Offers functions that can be used to decorate fonts ring tones keyboards offers detailed functions for screen rotation individual icons folders etc supports functions in a convenient and stable manner by copying the home screen and creating backups of settings precaution is available only in android ver..

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