
Little newborn baby birth Android Game

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little newborn baby birthlittle newborn baby birthlittle newborn baby birthlittle newborn baby birth
The description of Little newborn baby birth: yaaaay! A new baby is on its way! Welcome the little one to the world and give him her all the love in the world. You play as a sweet little princess named emma and you have to help mommy barbara give a natural birth or a cesarian birth and take care of the new baby! But what should we call the new baby? After all the baby needs to have a name well how about coco? It has a nice ring to it don t you think? So come on and join mommy barbara in giving birth to little coco . Who knows it might be a cesarian birth or a normal one. Whatever the case is you will have to take good care of mommy barbara! Oh and the newborn baby might look funny at first so be sure to give him her a good makeover! Features play as a sweet little princess named emma! Help mommy barbara in collecting things for the hospital! Check the heartbeat of mommy coco! See coco in mommy s tummy through ultrasound! Help mommy barbara push breathe! It s that intense! But what if it s a cesarian birth? Well that won t be a problem the doctors can handle that! Oh sweet princess emma don t forget the makeover! When a baby is born you have to take very good care of them especially if it s a cesarian birth..

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