
Maternity doctor -newborn baby Android Game

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maternity doctor -newborn babymaternity doctor -newborn babymaternity doctor -newborn babymaternity doctor -newborn baby
The description of Maternity doctor -newborn baby: Grown from a woman to mother is full with excitement tension pay out fatigue joy and fun. In the period go through various checks birth bathing dressing feeding and other tedious work but the birth of new life is very exciting! Now become a maternity doctor to help these few nervous and excited mommys let their baby safe and healthy birth into this world! You can comb the hair of your subject in many different styles. Razor: use the razors to shave the head and make space for new hair set. Hair potion: use hair potions to grow up stylish new hair hair curler: you can style hair with different hair curling rulers hair straightner: if you don t like the curly hair on your client straighten them up hair dryer: hair dryer will not only dry up wet hair but will also help you make different styles shampoo: clean all the dirt in hair by using shampoo shower: shower will be used to wash out shampoo and conditioner out of the hair hair colors: use different hair colors to make the kid look stylish tipy tapy web address: https: tipytapy..

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