
Iron atom theme Android App

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The description of Iron atom theme: For all you iron man lovers out there:you can now get iron man 39 s hologram interface on your android! Hopefully one day the hologram interface will be used in our daily lives. Until then... Try out this theme! Main features: exclusive widgets: clock memo calendar contact settings and search bar gestures: pinch double touch slide long touch smart folder: ability to add folders on all apps and the home screen flexible sizing dock bar: access up to 20 of your favorite apps instantly includes an emotional filter effect screen settings and opacity adjustments. Multi wallpaper: automatically switch between 3 24 different wallpapers when the display is turned on off deep customization: point colors are completely adjustable and modify the look and feel of widgets menu guides or icons. Live background: brings your background into the 21st century beautiful dynamic backgrounds wide ranging theme support: supports existing sskin and go launching themes main points: high quality: optimized for ice cream sandwich jellybean (android ics jb 4..

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