
High-tech atom theme Android App

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high-tech atom themehigh-tech atom themehigh-tech atom themehigh-tech atom theme
The description of High-tech atom theme: atom theme user guide1. Press and hold an empty space on the home screen to choose your theme or press the menu for theme settings2. Choose and apply the desired theme3. Changing icons: able to change every icon (press and hold each icon to change individually). 4. Changing point color: able to change point colors on the top of home and app screens tips1. Incorporating photos in the gallery with atom icons (menu wallpapers apply)2. Changing colors and or hiding home screen texts to match the theme (launcher settings home screen icon text color) atom storewith weekly updated themes icon packages and widgets that range from sophisticated simple themes to artists sensuous illustrations you can decorate your phone s home screen daily: search atom store on the search tab! ! Theme makera simple theme creating function that allows you to build your very own themes with the photos in your gallery1..

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