
Hornet antivirus free Android App

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The description of Hornet antivirus free: Hornet antivirus free offers the ultimate protection against viruses trojans spyware keyloggers potentially malicious ussd mmi codes and other malicious applications. The used in activator antivirus engine provides solid malware detection and guarantees a maximum of protection. The integrated real time protection is checking the applications already when they are installed and alerts you immediately if malicious code is detected. A clearly arranged list of your app s permissions shows if your flashlight app has fun sending sms messages or if your new puzzle game is interested in your gps location and private data. This application is free of charge does not contain advertising and does not ask for dubious permissions when it is installed. New: hornet antivirus free includes detection of apps that are vulnerable due to the heartbleed bug (cve 2014 0160) and also checks your android os..

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