
Bitdefender antivirus free Android App

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The description of Bitdefender antivirus free: Take bitdefender s award winning antivirus protection with you! Bitdefender 39 s antivirus free is a powerful and fast solution that uses in the cloud scanning technology to arm your android device with the very latest industry leading virus detection. Without slowing down your android or draining your battery. Simply install on your android and it s ready to go nothing to configure. And it 39 s totally free! Unparalleled detectionautopilot automatically scans any new apps that are downloaded to your android device for viruses. Antivirus free uses the same scanning engines as bitdefender mobile security our flagship mobile security app that has been independently certified to catch more than 99 of all viruses targeted at android devices. This powerful scanner keeps you protected 24 7 against malicious activities. Feather light performanceinstead of downloading and storing virus signatures directly to android devices antivirus free uses in the cloud services to check online for the latest safeguards to outbreaks..

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