
Hearing aid, microphone Android App

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hearing aid, microphonehearing aid, microphonehearing aid, microphonehearing aid, microphone
The description of Hearing aid, microphone: Damic has the following features:this feature must be used with speaker headset or earphone. Available in both wired and wireless(bluetooth wifi). Attach external speaker headset or earphone before you speak. Try using a sound effect. Enjoy the good sound of it. Damic consists of two modes. Speaker mode this mode is used as loudspeaker megaphone or microphone. 1. Structure: connect speakers to the smartphone. 2. Explication: 1) touch the start button in the first mode. 2) speaking into the lower part microphone. 3) using the volume keys to adjust the volume. 4) using as loudspeaker megaphone or microphone. Headset mode this mode is used as hearing aid or stethoscope. 1. Structure: connect headset or earphone to the smartphone. 2. Explication: 1) touch the start button in the second mode. 2) place the phone in a suitable place. (In pockets on near the sound that you want to hear)3) using the volume keys to adjust the volume..

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