
Guess the song name Android Game

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guess the song nameguess the song nameguess the song nameguess the song name
The description of Guess the song name: Guess the song name game is a fascinating game for all fans of greatest hits and guessing games. Guess the song name puzzle gives you a great possibility to challenge your music skills trying to guess a name of a song.Featuring different styles of music guess the song name is a perfect skill game for all real music maniacs. This captivating quiz will help you to extend your knowledge of modern music.How to play: the gameplay is simple. You have to decipher titles of music hits . Sounds to be easy? Then test your recognition skills in this awesome music quiz game.Guess the song name features: different music styles to satisfy every music lover variety of levels to improve your recognition skills user friendly interface and intuitive control.Guess the song name is a logic puzzle which will give you much pleasure. Download it right now and dive into music ocean!..

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