
Guess the emoji Android Game

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guess the emojiguess the emojiguess the emojiguess the emoji
The description of Guess the emoji: Are you ready for a guessing game like none other? ! The one and only guess the emoji will entertain you for hours! Our kid and family friendly game tests your logic and reasoning skills to solve simple (and sometimes hard! ) Emoji puzzles! You 39 ll be presented with a screen displaying some emojis what is it that these emoticons are describing? ! Can you guess them all? Hintsare you stuck on a hard emoji question? ? Do not fear hints are here to save the day! Expose a letter using this hint will reveal a random letter in the puzzle. Use this hint when you need an extra nudge to guess the icon on a hard question! Remove the letters this hint removes all letters from the board which are not used in the emoji puzzle game. This hint can be very helpful on shorter puzzles. Use it wisely! Solve it! This hint will completely solve the word question for you! Use it if you 39 re totally stuck! We hope you enjoy the game! Please rate! Emoji provided free by http: ..

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