
Genesis: creation of the world Android App

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genesis: creation of the worldgenesis: creation of the worldgenesis: creation of the worldgenesis: creation of the world
The description of Genesis: creation of the world: Experience genesis the story of god s creation of the world with this all new fully animated and interactive biblical adventure! 6 educational biblical mini games to spark your child s imagination! Enjoy special moments with your child as you play and read this classic tale together! The classical biblical story of god s creation of the world comes to life in this amazing interactive production. Children will experience the splendor of god s creation and learn about the 7 days of creation like never before! Genesis provides endless hours of entertainment through its biblical storyline animated creation scenes and engaging interactions. In addition to reading the biblical story children can play educational games like jigsaw puzzles paint memory match peekaboo more! See our planet from outer space encounter the chaos before creation light up the world and create land mountains and flowers! You can even help god create all kinds of animals and of course meet adam and eve! Genesis is ideal for children ages 2 6 and fun for the whole family! Features: beautiful hd illustrations joined with a rich narrative on every page enjoy numerous engaging and fun animations on every page read to me allows you to control the reading yourself auto play automatically reads the entire story to youabout tabtalewith over 750 million downloads and growing tabtale has established itself as the creator of pioneering virtual adventures that kids and parents love..

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