
Fuel calculator Android App

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fuel calculatorfuel calculatorfuel calculatorfuel calculator
The description of Fuel calculator: do you miss an application that calculates fuel consumption of reserve ? ? ? Here odpowied as that i never happen to me full tank of gas i wrote an application that consists of combustion where the starting point is a provision as refueling lights up the magic lamp you enter the data reset the counter and you have given burning fuel at a glance :)the application also has the option of calculating the fuel combustion of full refueling if you prefer this mode of refueling . This calculator will help you calculate both the fast burning fuel and transportation costs as well as replace those on board computer if you need to. Calculator fuel combustion has the capability of storing individual refueling and presents the results on the basis of the following entries. We can view the individual entries fuel prices fuel consumption fuel consumption meter liters kilometers calculator combustion fuel expenses travel expenses etc..

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