
Fingerprint love test for fun Android App

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fingerprint love test for funfingerprint love test for funfingerprint love test for funfingerprint love test for fun
The description of Fingerprint love test for fun: Check if the person you love is the perfect match for you( ). This fingerprint love test calculates the couples compatibility scan your fingerprints (1) and check what the chances for love are. This love test is based on principle of thumb match it scans the fingerprints of two people and calculates the strength of love. Please remember: this is a joke prank app. Don t take the results too seriously the results are simulated for your fun. Make fun of your friends and partner . ( ) The app is a prank so it does not really calculate anything (we are convinced it s not possible) but just simulates it its purpose is to make prank on friends (1) actually the finger is not scanned but scanning is simulated by holding finger on the panel. Should you have any problems using this app before giving us a bad rating please contact us at play we will be happy to help you. ..

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