
Darts scoreboard Android App

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darts scoreboarddarts scoreboarddarts scoreboarddarts scoreboard
The description of Darts scoreboard: Darts scoreboard is the perfect app for tracking your darts scores during a game of 501 or one of its variants. In the app you can set many preferences such as the number of players the start score or whether you want to play in legs or sets. Using the app is easy after every turn you simply need to enter the total points scored with three darts. Darts scoreboard does the math and gives you a wide range of statistics. It is possible to save and share these statistics . When you reach a score that can be finished the app will show a checkout suggestion. Profileif you are logged in your saved games will be associated with your profile. Also you can select your profile when you start a new game. You can view your own statistics in a list. In a future update you will be able to view various graphs so you can see your progress. Preferences players: 1 to 4 players custom names can be specified start score: 101 170 201 301 up to and including 2501 match type: sets or legs number of legs to win a set: 2 3 4 5 checkout type: single double triplestatistics various averages like match average best set and or leg average average of first nine darts in a leg scores: number of 180 140+ 100+ etc..

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