
Darker (screen filter) Android App

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darker (screen filter)darker (screen filter)darker (screen filter)darker (screen filter)
The description of Darker (screen filter): Darker can lower your screen brightness to extremely low levels to help prevent eyestrain during the night. Use the built in color filter to adjust the color of your display perfect for filtering out harsh white backgrounds during the night. This app is fully functional and does not include advertisements. Additional paid features are unlockable through an in app purchase. Xiaomi device miui users need to go to settings installed apps darker permission manager and enable display pop up window for darker to work correctly. Paid features include: auto on auto off start at boot lower brightness below 20 darken navigation bar custom filter colors root mode customizable notification buttons up to three buttons can be added for quick access. Buttons to increase and decrease the brightness (+5 5 +10 10 ) buttons to set a specific brightness ( 0 10 20 ... 90 100 ) quick toggles (stop pause reset color filter)note: when manually installing apk files android blocks the install button from being pressed when darker is running..

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