
Bikini girl photo Android App

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The description of Bikini girl photo: This is most popular and required app among sexy women 39 s. You can import images from two source. One from gallery and second one from camera. Just open the app and choose one of the image source. If you select image successfully then it will take you to edit screen in which you can adjust your picture by dragging and two finger gesture for zooming and rotating. You can also erase unused part by switching mode from zoom to erase by given button at left bottom corner and also can increase and decrease erase brush er can select different bikini photo at run time from top horizontal scrollbar of bikini girls list and can also change background color from top of bikini list horizontal scroll bar. Feature:1. User can erase unused part of selected image. 2. User can increase and decrease erase brush size. 3. User can adjust selected image by zoom in zoom out rotate and drag..

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