
Aladdin and the wonder lamp Android Game

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aladdin and the wonder lamp aladdin and the wonder lamp aladdin and the wonder lamp aladdin and the wonder lamp
The description of Aladdin and the wonder lamp : Aladdin is an impoverished young neer do well in a chinese town. He is recruited by a sorcerer from the maghreb who passes himself off as the brother of aladdins late father mustapha the tailor convincing aladdin and his mother of his goodwill by apparently making arrangements to set up the lad as a wealthy merchant. The sorcerers real motive is to persuade young aladdin to retrieve a wonderful oil lamp from a booby trapped magic cave. After the sorcerer attempts to double cross him aladdin finds himself trapped in the cave. Fortunately aladdin retains a magic ring lent to him by the sorcerer as protection. When he rubs his hands in despair he inadvertently rubs the ring and a jinn or genie appears who takes him home to his mother. Aladdin is still carrying the lamp and when his mother tries to clean it a second far more powerful genie appears who is bound to do the bidding of the person holding the lamp..

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