
Aegislab antivirus premium Android App

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The description of Aegislab antivirus premium: Aegislab antivirus premium developed by aegislab is a swiss army knife security tool on android platform. It can protect users against the threats of android malwares and also have some other useful functions 1. Mobile malware scan real time and manual scan mobile malwares support 4 scan modes system scan file scan cloud based scan and scheduled scan automatically scan when downloading or installing app cloud based scan provides much higher virus detection rate. 2. Device lost protect the private data when device is lost locking device remotely wiping private data on device remotely3. Call guard blocking unknown numbers phone calls blocking phone calls not in android contacts blocking phone calls in the black list4. Permission detector checking the permissions of installed apps and helping user to find out the suspicions programs5. File encryption encrypting files to protect against data leakage encrypted files are not accessible to any other programs6..

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