
Zaba photo mosaic lite Android App

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zaba photo mosaic litezaba photo mosaic litezaba photo mosaic litezaba photo mosaic lite
The description of Zaba photo mosaic lite: Zaba photo mosaic is the android app to create professional photomosaics. It transforms a photo taken from the gallery from the camera or downloaded from internet in a photomosaic using the pictures contained in your device as tesseras. In the lite version the app produces a mosaic of about 40x40 tesseras depending on the type selected between photographic and print mode. You can also choose the color type between color rgb grayscale or sepia set the thumbnails orientation (rotated or not) into the mosaic and this is the first mobile application that allows all this to users with a very simple and linear graphics. With the full version you can have higher quality and completely customize the photomosaic choose the resolution and the features of tesseras and set other parameters to optimize the created mosaic. A photomosaic is a very original idea for many occasions: a gift for a birthday or a special event a way to organize all the pictures of an holiday in a nice picture to create a customized background for your pc or android device and many others..

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