
Yummy city live wallpaper Android Live Wallpaper

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The description of Yummy city live wallpaper: Dreams come true.Here you go. A live wallpaper of a city where everything is made of yummy food! Lemon sun french fries sushi and hamburger cars fried eggs cloudplease like us on facebook so we can notify you when we release new live wallpapers and games!Https: droidstickoptional: this app can give you notifications and create shortcut to valuable content like offers apps games and more. Uninstalling this app will stop the notifications. If youve uninstalled this app and still receive notifications that means they are generated by other applications.Optional: in order to give you a free app and keep developing more free apps in the future we are integrating a search tool to our application. This will add a few access points to your device (hence the permissions) to direct you to the web search service. Please consider using the search to help us keep creating apps. You may delete the search icon bookmark and homepage easily. Thank you...

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