
Yplan - live your city Android App

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yplan - live your cityyplan - live your cityyplan - live your cityyplan - live your city
The description of Yplan - live your city: Hello we 39 re yplan. We 39 re all about making it as simple as possible to discover and book things to do in your city. Download the app to check out our expertly curated collections from secret speakeasy pop ups and foodie treats to the biggest arena spectaculars. Our curators work tirelessly around the clock to bring you the best things happening in your 39 hood. Our editors then pick out the hottest of the lot while yplan 39 s computer wizardry personalizes it all to you . And that 39 s it your social life sorted in a snap whether you 39 re looking for something to do tonight or you 39 re digging for birthday inspiration. Available in london bristol and dublin. More cities coming soon. How does it work? A lil something like this: get inspired by our curated collections of events. Read honest reviews from previous attendees. Invite friends: go together pay separately..

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