
Wifi qr share Android App

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wifi qr sharewifi qr sharewifi qr sharewifi qr share
The description of Wifi qr share: The easiest way to have your friends and family connect to your wifi network! Wifi does not use up your mobile data is faster than 3g uses less battery and works in places where there is spotty 3g 4g coverage. Wifi qr share enables you to easily share your wifi network with others using wifi qr code images. Your friends and family can scan these qr codes (with the app barcode scanner ) right off of your phone 39 s display to let them join your network without having to type anything at all no matter how long or complicated your password is. Wifi qr share has been designed to be as automatic and easy as possible. If your android device is rooted the app will supply all the required wifi network information for you and instantly generate a qr code. On an unrooted android device wifi qr share will supply all the information for your device 39 s configured networks except the password which you can enter manually and save for later use..

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