
Who said it quiz free Android Game

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who said it quiz freewho said it quiz freewho said it quiz freewho said it quiz free
The description of Who said it quiz free: You like to read famous quotes ? You like to cite the words of wisdom? But are you sure you know who said those words? Use this free quiz to check if you really know the authors of popular quotes about life love and other things. Prove your friends you are a wiseman and say in the end: i came i saw i conquered! Download the app immediately! Choose the mode you like: 10 questions 25 questions 50 questions or 5 errors endless! Choose an answer from a b c or d! Think fast and answer correctly to get higher rankings! Get scandalous score booster by answering the question worth more than 2000 points! If you choose 5 errors endless mode your game will last until you give 5 incorrect answers! You can share your score and achievements with your friends on facebook! This entertaining quiz consists of a great variety of questions regarding words said by famous people in different fields: science literature art. Youll get a question and four answers to choose from. ..

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