
Where is that? geography quiz Android Game

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where is that? geography quizwhere is that? geography quizwhere is that? geography quizwhere is that? geography quiz
The description of Where is that? geography quiz: Number one geography game with over 5 mio players worldwide. Top 10 trivia game in 66 countries. If you know the world or want to learn geography play this game and find countries capitals cities states stadiums mountains and skyscrapers all over the world. Aim for the lowest distance the shortest time and the highest score. Challenge your friends on parties with up to 8 players in multiplayer on one device. The map is generated out of openstreetmap data and can be used like the native map . Zoom in and out as you like to find the exact position. Every location is connected to wikipedia so you can read about every location right away in your language (around 75 of locations are translated). Features 1500+ locations in 15+ categories multiplayer with up to 8 players on one device (pass 39 n play) zoomable openstreetmap available offline available in many languages (english spanish french italian japenese korean chinese dutch portugese russian) wikipedia link for every locationthis game is supported by ads..

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