
Vidstitch pro - video collage Android App

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vidstitch pro - video collagevidstitch pro - video collagevidstitch pro - video collagevidstitch pro - video collage
The description of Vidstitch pro - video collage: vidstitch now on android! Featured on 148apps stelapps and many more! New vine integration! Vidstitch seamlessly combines your videos and photos to share your collage on instagram. It 39 s easy! We engineered this app from the ground up to be an intuitive and effortless experience for you. Vidstitch is intelligent and automagically optimizes for instagram. Just choose your videos and photos and let vidstitch handle everything in the background. Less is more simple and intuitive user interface choose your frame combine your videos and photos share your vidstitch on instagram vine facebook or twitter features upload to vine! Combine videos and pics multiple frames to choose from rotate your video or pic (long press) play preview before saving post to facebook twitter and instagram simple and intuitive ui optimized for android add multiple video clips add your own soundtrack animated gif support! Select the length of animation under video settings..

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