
Vastu compass Android App

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vastu compassvastu compassvastu compassvastu compass
The description of Vastu compass: What is vastu? Vastu is a traditional concept of india for building construction and architecture based on directional alignment. Vastu helps us make our life better by securing us from things going wrong. Vastu makes our surrounding pleasant by science of direction that combines all the five elements of nature and balance them with the man and the material. Vastu compassvastu compass is one and only application that will help you find vastu directions. This application makes good use of present day technology with ancient vastu concept enabling you to apply this concept at your home. It has an active compass that will show you favorable unfavorable directions for a place such as entrance of a home. How to useplace your handheld device parallel to earth surface and hold it same as a e this application while standing at center of the home and choose an area (eg. Entrance)..

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