
Url to pdf converter Android App

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The description of Url to pdf converter: The url to pdf converter app enables you to save webpages right to your mobile device tablet or dropbox so that you can send them to others or access them offline.The converter is able to render everything from html code css javascript java images some flash and more.Support for many different languages has also been added. The app is currently capable of rendering arabic chinese cyrillic greek hebrew hindi latin and other alphabets.When converting your url you can modify the following output settings:page sizeimage dpiimage qualitytop left right and bottom marginsqualityorientation (portrait or landscape)disable links (internal or external) that are found in the webpagedisable or enable javascripthide or show background imagesoutput in greyscale or full colorshow or hide images found in the pagegenerating the pdf is very simple you only need to type or paste the url of a webpage that is publicly accessible (doesnt require accoun..

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